
The Big Yak and the future of internal communications…

02 July 2014

The Big Yak is an unconference.

Not an unusual format today, perhaps; but an event like this only serves to remind us of how helping people to connect and collaborate can lead to a great learning experience, a chance to develop ideas and an excuse to pop down to All Bar One.

It also shows us how we can turn internal communications into internal communication, collaboration and innovation.

Invite people from all backgrounds to take part.

Seed a problem or opportunity.

Encourage people to contribute their thoughts, ideas and experiences.

Facilitate, rather than direct, discussion.

Take away the notion that there are ‘right or wrong answers’.

Connect with new people.

Go away with potential solutions.

Whether it’s creating a leadership community or connecting colleagues, the future is surely about bringing together a diversity of skills and experience to connect, collaborate and co-create.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be on a Saturday.

And it doesn’t even have to be done in person.

But a free bar or a bag of swag always helps…

[Here’s more detail on actually what was discussed at The Big Yak.  Needless to say it was a great event, and incredibly inspiring.]

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