Three steps to avoid death by recruitment black box

10 December 2024
In Talent Acquisition, the focus is almost always on the candidate/recruiter relationship. But before we even get there, there is another relationship which needs tending to – the recruiter and hiring manager relationship. Like a clownfish and an anemone, recruiters and hiring managers need each other, but (to be brutally honest) it’s often the hiring […]
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Developing a strong value proposition in law

10 November 2023
Investigating the value propositions of leading law firms in the USA.  We know that a value proposition is a key pillar in articulating why a client should use a particular firm.    Yet in the legal sector, 95% of what law firms offer (and say) to clients is pretty much the same – expertise, services, often […]

Law firms: does culture eat strategy for breakfast?

10 August 2015
For law firms, does Peter Drucker’s quote really ring true?  Or is it simply that strategy still trumps culture in the eyes of lawyers and counsel? It seems to depend on whom you listen to.  A panel of experts at Legal Week’s Global Independent Law Firms Forum debate recently discussed some of these issues. On the […]

106 seconds with… Margaret Casely-Hayford, Chair, Action Aid UK

10 August 2015
Margaret Casely-Hayford was a lawyer for some 30 years: twenty years with City law firm Dentons, where she was made a Partner and then nine years as Director of Legal Services and Company Secretary for the John Lewis Partnership from which she retired in 2014. She decided in 2014 to transition into a boardroom portfolio […]

106 seconds with… Funke Abimbola, Managing Counsel for Roche UK, diversity champion, speaker and proud mother

28 February 2015
Funke read law at Newcastle University and worked as a corporate lawyer both in the City and within regional law firms before joining Roche in 2012. She is a recognised legal expert and award-winning solicitor and regularly speaks at conferences both in the UK and overseas. As a Professional Ambassador for Aspiring Solicitors, she mentors […]

Graduate Recruitment in Law: Fast Cars, Stories, Access, Apprenticeships and Social Media…

13 February 2015
The Russell Hotel, 11th February 2015.   All the essentials in place for a good day.  Wifi.  Tick.  Black coffee.  Tick.  Comfy chair.  Tick.  Some great speakers.  Tick.  Decent lunch.  Tick. So what happened?  Here’s a quick run-down.  I’m sure I haven’t done justice to many of the speakers (so if you were one of […]

The importance of culture in law

06 November 2014
In a changing legal marketplace, where there is undoubted pressure on revenues, there is an opportunity for law firms to improve their service to clients, further build reputation and increase revenues through: Better engagement – It is estimated that it takes at least 40 weeks for a law graduate to reach optimal productivity (Oxford Economics 2014). […]

106 seconds with… Charlie Keeling, Global HRD of Clyde & Co.

23 October 2014
Charlie Keeling is well established as a senior level leader in the professional services world. He’s climbed a long ladder from his first job as a 16-year-old Commercial Apprentice at Creda. Three years later, he was a qualified accountant; and at 26 years old, he became the FD for Russell Hobbs. He became a Partner […]

Do women lack ambition? Err no; but some leaders lack empathy…

23 July 2014
Yesterday I watched a panel discussion on a report published recently by KPMG. The report is called ‘Cracking the Code’ and it considers ten widely held assumptions about women and their careers in depth, before exposing each as a myth. On the panel were Susan Vinnicombe, Professor of Women and Leadership at Cranfield University; Andrew […]

21st century law firm: inheriting a new world

22 January 2014
Last week, Eversheds published a report into ‘what young lawyers want from their careers and their employers, and how they see the profession ten years from now’.  There were some headline statements about: New ways of working –  A third (35%) feel that the sector does not use technology well enough. Career path – 60% felt that […]
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